This Just In: Santa's Weight Problem Not a Coincidence I develop mad line standing skills. Dutch proves it really is the thought that counts. December 10, 2006.
It Was A Very Good Year Mr. and Mrs. Nature Boy reproduce, I drown my car, Dutch and I hit the (gay) bars, and hilarity ensues. October
17, 2006.
Better living -- or not -- through chemicals Battling the alien life from below. Finding the best little Christmas tree ever. November 21, 2005.
A Leg and A Leg and A Leg The wildlife gets a little too local. Bad basements and good. Dutch works the night shift. October 21, 2005.
How do you like them apples? I come off the injured reserve long enough to go for the low hanging fruit. Will proves his love -- of cars.
Mom and Dad tour Dutch's house. October 8, 2005.
Cape Cod Redux Another year, another week flirting with mold-borne illnesses. Sir William the Loud still rises early. Lucy learns to swim,
and much more. August 14, 2005.
In Which Dutch and I Go Dancing Contractor unreliability leads to a typical Red Bank evening. Saturnalia on a Monday -- who knew? July 26, 2005
Day of the Spiders Moving into my new house means chasing the current residents out -- from two legged to eight legged varieties.
May 5, 2005.
Welcome to the Garden State Why the Garden State? Because "Oil and Petrochemical State" didn't
fit on the license plates. (How many ways can my Boston friends insult my new home state? I'm still finding out.) January
22, 2004.
Madam, In Eden, I'm Amish Electronic isolation at the Jersey shore. US Airways "loses" our luggage en route to the cruise, driving Ann
to shoplift. January 9, 2005.
Ho Ho Humvee A failed effort to leave the office early to get my holiday cheer on. A painful listing of pre-move tasks, all
incomplete. December 11, 2004.
Cheetos and Popcorn and Gin -- Oh My! Nutrition levels drop as stress levels rise. Boston wins the World Series but loses the presidential election.
November 3, 2004.
in… Well, You Know: In which I find a way to bill more than 24 hours in a day while pondering career
decisions. October 3, 2004.